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U.S. State Codes
Title 32 - Highways, Bridge...
Chapter 6 - Regulation of M...
Article 3 - Control of Sign...
Part 2 - State Highway System
Part 2 - State Highway System
§ 32-6-70. Declaration of policy
§ 32-6-71. Definitions
§ 32-6-72. Designation of outdoor advertising which may be erected or maintained within 660 feet of nearest edge of right of way
§ 32-6-73. Designation of outdoor advertising which may be erected or maintained beyond 660 feet of nearest edge of right of way
§ 32-6-74. Applications for permits generally; fees; renewals; transfer of permits
§ 32-6-75. Restrictions on outdoor advertising authorized by Code Sections 32-6-72 and 32-6-73; multiple message signs on interstate system, primary highways, and other highways
§ 32-6-75.1. Roadside Enhancement and Beautification Council; membership; purpose; compensation
§ 32-6-75.2. Roadside Enhancement and Beautification Fund; dedication of certain revenues
§ 32-6-75.3. Application for tree trimming permit and annual renewal; forms; application fees; evaluation; criteria for trimming trees or vegetation
§ 32-6-76. Restrictions on directional signs generally
§ 32-6-77. Exceptions to spacing limitations contained in Code Sections 32-6-75 and 32-6-76
§ 32-6-78. Restrictions on public service signs
§ 32-6-79. Permits for nonconforming signs; right of department to refuse to issue additional permits to persons maintaining illegal sign; appeal from department's decision
§ 32-6-80. Renewal of permits for nonconforming signs; transfer of permits for nonconforming signs
§ 32-6-81. Revocation or withholding of permits for illegal or unauthorized actions against the department's property
§ 32-6-82. Acquisition by department of property rights in outdoor advertising which does not comply with requirements of part
§ 32-6-83. Acquisition by municipal corporation or county of outdoor advertising which does not comply with requirements of applicable ordinances, regulations, or resolutions
§ 32-6-84. Interests and losses which may be compensable under Code Sections 32-6-82 and 32-6-83
§ 32-6-85. Department's exercise of eminent domain power to acquire interests specified in Code Section 32-6-84
§ 32-6-86. Compensation contingent upon federal matching funds
§ 32-6-87. Agreements with United States Secretary of Transportation
§ 32-6-87.1. "RV friendly" markers
§ 32-6-88. Designation of defined areas
§ 32-6-89. Retention of directional signs, displays, and devices in defined areas
§ 32-6-90. Promulgation of rules and regulations by department
§ 32-6-91. Erection or maintenance of sign without permit as constituting misdemeanor
§ 32-6-92. Maintenance of unauthorized sign as constituting misdemeanor
§ 32-6-93. Erection or maintenance of sign without a permit as constituting a public nuisance; enjoining erection or maintenance of such sign
§ 32-6-94. Maintenance of unauthorized sign as constituting a public nuisance; enjoining maintenance of such sign
§ 32-6-95. Applicability of Chapter 13 of Title 50, the "Georgia Administrative Procedure Act," to part generally; affirmance of agency decision by operation of law
§ 32-6-96. Authority of department to enter upon private lands to implement administrative decisions; reimbursement of department for expenses; return or disposition of stored sign remnants
§ 32-6-97. Construction of part