LegalFix Offers Legal Plans as an Employee Benefit for Main Street Americans
Over half of Fortune 500 companies offer legal plans to their employees. 75% of Fortune 100 companies do.
Why would the most successful companies in America offer their employees a benefit like legal plans? Because they're in a fight for good workers—and a good benefits package gives them the upper hand.
But there's a problem. These companies don't employ most Americans. 99.9% of American businesses are small businesses—but they're also fighting for good workers.
And the people who work for these Main Street businesses are more likely to need legal services and less likely to be able to pay for them. They let small legal problems become huge distractions, impacting their wallets and their ability to deliver for their employers.
LegalFix is here to fix it. We're offering legal plans designed for Main Street rather than Wall Street—to help American small businesses recruit and retain talent and to help their employees protect their rights and prevent financial devastation.
For less than one dollar per employee per day, employers can offer a legal plan benefit to recruit top talent, retain top employees, and maintain a stable, focused workforce.
With LegalFix, employees get peace of mind and security, maintain financial stability, and maintain their mental health and focus while at work.
According to industry surveys, 65% of employers acknowledge the role of a legal insurance benefit in retaining talent. What we are doing isn't new, but how we're doing it and who we're doing it for is.
Nearly 80% of Americans with a legal issue don't hire a lawyer to handle it. Why? They can't afford the cost of a lawyer and when they can, they don't know where to go to find a lawyer they can trust.
And millions of Americans live in legal deserts where there aren't enough local lawyers to serve the people who live there.
LegalFix offers a massive library of 1,600 state-specific explanations of important legal topics, and hundreds of articles for individuals and small businesses written and reviewed by attorneys to answer the most common legal questions.
Main Street Americans can browse and read their state and federal statutes—the laws that govern our daily lives.
But when your employees become LegalFix members, they don’t have to navigate these complex legal matters alone. Here's how it works:
When an employee has a personal legal question—a dispute with a creditor, a question about their rights as a renter, a divorce or child custody matter, they need a will, a trust, a prenuptial agreement, help navigating the probate process, have been accused of a crime, or their HOA just gave them a writeup, they will have prompt, reliable access to a local attorney.
To access these legal services, your employees will simply submit a request through our website and the LegalFix Provider Law Firm for their state will provide the service—a quick document review, a phone consultation with their attorney, a phone call made or a letter sent on their behalf, a prenuptial agreement, a will or a power of attorney drafted, an uncontested separation, divorce, annulment, name change, or adoption—or legal representation in a contested divorce or child custody lawsuit—all at a 25% discount off the attorney's standard hourly rate.
Legal plans are valued by companies that offer them with a 96% retention rate. We've designed our plans to include supplemental coverages Main Street Americans need for occupations like rideshare and delivery drivers and commercial truck drivers—and for groups with special legal needs like HOA members, gun owners, and even home businesses whose owners need legal support in pursuing their side hustles.
We can get this started as quickly as you’d like, so you can retain your top employees, become more competitive in recruiting, and minimize stress and distractions among your employees, so they can deliver better for your customers or clients.
Do you think this is a benefit your employees would value? If so, contact us at to get started today.