(1) The Governor shall appoint a Roadside Enhancement and Beautification Council composed of 12 members. The council shall include the chairperson of the Senate Transportation Committee; the chairperson of the House Transportation Committee; a member from the Georgia Conservancy; a member from the Garden Clubs of Georgia, Inc.; a member of the faculty of the School of Environmental Design at the University of Georgia; a member from the Sierra Club; a member from the Georgia Wildlife Federation; four members of the Outdoor Advertising Association of Georgia, Inc.; and the deputy commissioner of the Georgia Department of Transportation or the designee thereof. The commissioner shall submit recommendations to the Governor for purposes of selecting members to the council.
(2) (A) Terms of those members representing the Georgia Conservancy, the Garden Clubs of Georgia, and the School of Environmental Design and of two of those members representing the Outdoor Advertising Association shall expire on January 1, 2001, and quadrennially thereafter. Such members may be appointed to successive terms.
(B) Terms of those members representing the Sierra Club and the Georgia Wildlife Federation and of two of those members representing the Outdoor Advertising Association shall expire on January 1, 2003, and quadrennially thereafter. Such members may be appointed to successive terms.
(3) A landscape architect employed by the department and designated by the commissioner shall serve as an adviser to the council.
(b) The council shall aid the commissioner in formulating policies and discussing problems related to the administration of this article. In addition, the council shall:
(1) Review, comment upon, and make recommendations to the commissioner on the standards and policies to be used in the trimming and removal of vegetation on state rights of way in front of legally erected and maintained outdoor advertising signs;
(2) Make recommendations to the department regarding standards for vegetation removal and landscape and maintenance plans submitted by permittees including without limitation the use of viewing zones under Code Section 32-6-75.3;
(3) Review the performance of permittees holding current tree and vegetation trimming permits issued under Code Section 32-6-75.3 for compliance with the requirements of such permits including without limitation the implementation of landscaping plans;
(4) Encourage the contribution of funds from appropriate sources to support roadside enhancement and beautification;
(5) Submit to the commissioner annually not later than 30 days after the date of its fourth quarter meeting a written report of findings based upon its reviews of permittees' performances and recommendations including without limitation any recommendations for expenditures for roadside enhancement and beautification; and
(6) Perform such other functions as may be specified for the council by the department.
The council shall have full and complete access to all department records necessary for the performance of its duties.
(c) The council shall meet to elect a chairperson and vice chairperson and to establish the rules governing its operation. The advisory council shall meet at the call of the chairperson and shall meet not less than quarterly.
(d) Each councilmember shall be compensated at a rate per day the same as that rate per day provided by law for members of the General Assembly serving on interim committees and shall be reimbursed for any necessary expenses; provided, however, that any full-time state employee on the council shall draw no compensation but shall receive necessary expenses. The commissioner is authorized to pay such compensation and expenses from department funds.