(a) On and after October 6, 1971, no person, firm, or corporation shall erect or maintain a sign authorized by paragraph (1), (4), or (5) of Code Section 32-6-72 without a permit issued by the department.
(b) On and after January 1, 1972, no person, firm, or corporation shall maintain a sign lawfully in existence on October 6, 1971, and which is authorized by this part without a permit issued by the department.
(c) On and after March 4, 1977, no person, firm, or corporation shall erect or maintain a sign authorized by paragraph (1) of Code Section 32-6-73 without a permit issued by the department.
(d) On and after July 1, 1977, no person, firm, or corporation shall maintain a sign lawfully in existence on March 4, 1977, and which sign is authorized by paragraph (1) of Code Section 32-6-73 without a permit issued by the department.
(1) It is the intent of this Code section to provide for a system of cataloguing and registering nonconforming signs in order to administer this part more adequately. The department is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations consistent with this Code section requiring the registration of nonconforming signs; and such rules and regulations shall inform the applicants of the procedures to make application for nonconforming sign permits.
(2) From March 24, 1980, all persons, firms, or corporations who own nonconforming signs as defined in paragraph (12) of Code Section 32-6-71 shall have a period of one year during which time they shall be required to file application for nonconforming sign permits. Applications for nonconforming sign permits shall be made upon forms prescribed and provided by the department and shall contain the signature of the applicant and such other information as may be required by the department's rules and regulations. If the applicant files the application for a nonconforming sign permit upon the forms and according to the procedures provided by the department and within the specified time period of one year, the application shall be considered to have been filed timely and properly. An application fee of $50.00 shall accompany the application for each nonconforming sign and both the application and the fee shall be submitted to the department. The money received from permit fees shall be used to help defray the expenses of administering this part, Code Section 48-2-17 to the contrary notwithstanding. The department shall have a period of two years from March 24, 1980, to process applications for nonconforming sign permits. If at the end of this two-year period the department has failed to approve or deny a proper and completed application, it shall be conclusively presumed for all purposes that the sign can be permitted as a nonconforming sign and the department must issue the permit within a reasonable time. Should the department deny the application for a nonconforming sign permit, the applicant may seek relief in accordance with Code Sections 50-13-13 through 50-13-18. In cases where the applicant fails to exhaust the procedures prescribed by Code Sections 50-13-13 through 50-13-18, the department's denial of the permit request will be final and the sign shall then become an illegal sign as defined by paragraph (6) of Code Section 32-6-71 and shall be subject to removal under the terms of this part.
(3) If the owner of the nonconforming sign fails to apply properly for a permit, it is conclusively presumed that the sign has been abandoned, and the sign shall then become an illegal sign as defined by paragraph (6) of Code Section 32-6-71, and the sign shall be subject to removal under the terms of this part.
(f) On or after March 24, 1980, the department shall have the right to refuse to issue any additional permits to any person, firm, or corporation who the department determines is maintaining or is allowing to be maintained an illegal sign or signs as defined by paragraph (6) of Code Section 32-6-71 on the interstate or primary highways in this state until such illegal sign or signs are removed. The refusal by the department to issue any additional permits shall not be considered a final denial. If the applicant does not believe the sign or signs designated by the department are illegal, the applicant may seek relief in accordance with Code Sections 50-13-13 through 50-13-18. Unless, within 120 days after the applicant has requested an administrative hearing, the department has issued a final agency decision that the sign or signs are illegal, the department may no longer refuse to issue permits because of a contention that an illegal sign or signs are being maintained.