The department is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations governing the issuance and revocation of permits for the erection and maintenance of outdoor advertising which is authorized by Code Sections 32-6-72 and 32-6-73 and which is not prohibited by this part. The department is further authorized to promulgate rules and regulations governing the issuance, revocation, and renewal of permits for the trimming of trees and vegetation on the state's rights of way authorized by and in accordance with Code Section 32-6-75.3. Such rules and regulations shall be consistent with the safety and welfare of the traveling public, and as may be necessary to carry out the policy of the state declared in this part, and consistent with the purposes of the Highway Beautification Act of 1965, Public Law 89-285, as amended, and contained in Title 23, United States Code. The department is further authorized to promulgate such rules and regulations as are necessary to carry out this part.