(a) The Commissioner is charged with the responsibility of enforcing this article.
(b) It shall be the duty of the Commissioner or his authorized representative:
(1) To inspect or cause to be inspected, as often as may be deemed practicable, all creameries, public dairies, condenseries, butter factories, cheese factories, ice cream factories, or any other places where dairy products are produced, manufactured, kept, handled, stored, or sold;
(2) To prohibit the production, sale, or distribution of unclean or unwholesome milk, cream, butter, cheese, ice cream, or other dairy products;
(3) To condemn for food purposes all unclean or unwholesome dairy products, wherever found;
(4) To take samples anywhere of any dairy product or imitation thereof and cause the same to be analyzed or satisfactorily tested;
(5) To weigh and test milk, cream, and other dairy products for the purpose of ascertaining the percentage and weight of butterfat or other ingredients contained therein; provided, however, that it shall not be necessary for the Commissioner to perform the tests if they are being performed by an agency of the federal government;
(6) To inspect and make tests of any instrument or equipment used in the testing or measuring of milk, cream, or other dairy products; and
(7) To compile and publish in print or electronically annually, or at such shorter intervals as he may desire, statistics and information concerning all phases of the dairy industry in this state.