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U.S. State Codes
Title 26 - Food, Drugs, and...
Chapter 2 - Standards, Labe...
Article 7 - Milk and Milk Products
Article 7 - Milk and Milk Products
§ 26-2-230. Short title
§ 26-2-231. Definitions
§ 26-2-232. Duties of Commissioner generally
§ 26-2-233. Promulgation and amendment of rules and regulations by Commissioner
§ 26-2-234. Applications for licenses and permits; duration of licenses; renewal of licenses; procedure for denial, revocation, or suspension of licenses
§ 26-2-235. License requirements -- Cream testers
§ 26-2-236. License requirements -- Operators of milk and cream buying stations
§ 26-2-237. License requirements -- Milk and cream brokers
§ 26-2-238. Standards and requirements generally
§ 26-2-239. Standards and requirements for frozen desserts generally
§ 26-2-240. Adulterated ice cream
§ 26-2-241. Testing of milk, cream, or other dairy products
§ 26-2-242. Standards and requirements as to sale of milk and milk products generally; labeling; sale of ungraded milk, raw whole milk, condensed or evaporated milk
§ 26-2-243. Intermingling of Grade A milk or milk products with other grades; inspections; permit requirements; enforcement powers of Commissioner
§ 26-2-244. Standards and conditions for importation of milk and milk products
§ 26-2-245. Condemnation and coloring of milk and milk products produced, processed, or delivered in violation of laws of state
§ 26-2-246. Furnishing of records by persons operating under article
§ 26-2-247. Enforcement of article generally
§ 26-2-248. Injunctions
§ 26-2-249. Unlawful acts
§ 26-2-250. Penalties for violations of article