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U.S. State Codes
Title 37 - Water and Irriga...
Water Conservation Board an...
Article 60 - Colorado Water...
Part 1 - General Provisions
Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 37-60-101. Definitions
§ 37-60-102. Creation
§ 37-60-103. Organization
§ 37-60-104. Personnel
§ 37-60-105. Employment of temporary personnel
§ 37-60-106. Duties of the board - state water plan - legislative declaration
§ 37-60-107. Meetings - notice
§ 37-60-108. Seal - rules and regulations
§ 37-60-109. Commissioner
§ 37-60-110. Authority of commissioners under prior laws
§ 37-60-111. Compensation of members - director - employees
§ 37-60-112. Warrants for salaries and expenses
§ 37-60-113. Board to cooperate with attorney general
§ 37-60-114. Attorney general as legal advisor
§ 37-60-115. Water studies - rules - repeal
§ 37-60-116. Reports
§ 37-60-117. Reports and publications
§ 37-60-118. Assent to water resources planning act
§ 37-60-119. Construction of water and power facilities - contracts with and charges against users
§ 37-60-120. Control of projects - contractual powers of board
§ 37-60-120.1. Chatfield reservoir reallocation project - authority - repeal
§ 37-60-120.2. Animas-La Plata project - authority - repeal
§ 37-60-121. Colorado water conservation board construction fund - creation - nature of fund - funds for investigations - contributions - use for augmenting the general fund - funds created
§ 37-60-121.1. Reserved rights litigation fund
§ 37-60-121.5. Loan guarantee fund - creation
§ 37-60-122. General assembly approval
§ 37-60-122.2. Fish and wildlife resources - legislative declaration - fund - authorization
§ 37-60-122.3. Wild and scenic rivers fund - created
§ 37-60-122.5. Emergency dam repair cash fund
§ 37-60-122.7. Feasibility study small grant fund - creation
§ 37-60-122.8. Publications fund
§ 37-60-122.9. Colorado river recovery program loan fund - creation
§ 37-60-123.1. Loan foreclosure fund - created
§ 37-60-123.2. Flood and drought response fund - stream restoration grant account - created
§ 37-60-123.5. Agricultural emergency drought response
§ 37-60-123.7. Acquisitions of water for instream flows
§ 37-60-124. Office of water conservation and drought planning - creation - powers and duties
§ 37-60-124.4. Stream gauge fund - created
§ 37-60-125. Authorizations for expenditures from Colorado water conservation board construction fund for demonstration of benefits of water efficiency
§ 37-60-126. Water conservation and drought mitigation planning - programs - relationship to state assistance for water facilities - guidelines - water efficiency grant program - definitions - repeal
§ 37-60-126.5. Drought mitigation planning - programs - relationship to state assistance
§ 37-60-127. Applicability of provisions requiring funding by political subdivisions of the state
§ 37-60-129. Availability of funds
§ 37-60-130. Well augmentation loans
§ 37-60-131. Natural hazard mapping - fund - repeal
§ 37-60-133. Minimum criteria and guidelines for agricultural water protection programs