(1) (a) The general assembly hereby recognizes the responsibility of the state for fish and wildlife resources found in and around state waters which are affected by the construction, operation, or maintenance of water diversion, delivery, or storage facilities. The general assembly hereby declares that such fish and wildlife resources are a matter of statewide concern and that impacts on such resources should be mitigated by the project applicants in a reasonable manner. It is the intent of the general assembly that fish and wildlife resources that are affected by the construction, operation, or maintenance of water diversion, delivery, or storage facilities should be mitigated to the extent, and in a manner, that is economically reasonable and maintains a balance between the development of the state's water resources and the protection of the state's fish and wildlife resources.
(b) Except as provided in this paragraph (b), the applicant for any water diversion, delivery, or storage facility which requires an application for a permit, license, or other approval from the United States shall inform the Colorado water conservation board, parks and wildlife commission, and division of parks and wildlife of its application and submit a mitigation proposal pursuant to this section. Exempted from such requirement are the Animas-La Plata project, the Two Forks dam and reservoir project, and the Homestake water project for which definite plan reports and final environmental impact statements have been approved or which are awaiting approval of the same, applicants for site specific dredge and fill permits for operations not requiring construction of a reservoir, and applicants for section 404 federal nationwide permits. If an applicant that is subject to the provisions of this section and the commission agree upon a mitigation plan for the facility, the commission shall forward such agreement to the Colorado water conservation board, and the board shall adopt such agreement at its next meeting as the official state position on the mitigation actions required of the applicant. In all cases the commission shall proceed expeditiously and, no later than sixty days from the applicant's notice, unless extended in writing by the applicant, make its evaluation regarding the probable impact of the proposed facility on fish and wildlife resources and their habitat and to make its recommendation regarding such reasonable mitigation actions as may be needed.
(c) The commission's evaluation and proposed mitigation recommendation shall be transmitted to the Colorado water conservation board. The board within sixty days, unless extended in writing by the applicant, shall either affirm the mitigation recommendation of the commission as the official state position or shall make modifications or additions thereto supported by a memorandum that sets out the basis for any changes made. Whenever modifications or additions are made by the board in the commission's mitigation recommendation, the governor, within sixty days, shall affirm or modify the mitigation recommendation which shall then be the official state position with respect to mitigation. The official state position, established pursuant to this subsection (1) shall be communicated to each federal, state, or other governmental agency from which the applicant must obtain a permit, license, or other approval.
(2) (a) Moneys transferred to the fish and wildlife resources fund pursuant to the provisions of section 37-60-121 (6) are hereby continuously appropriated to the Colorado water conservation board for the purpose of making grants pursuant to this subsection (2) and for offsetting the direct and indirect costs of the board for administering the grants. The interest earned from the investment of the moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund.
(b) To the extent that the cost of implementing the mitigation recommendation made pursuant to subsection (1) of this section exceeds five percent of the costs of a water diversion, delivery, or storage facility, the board shall, upon the application of the applicant, make a mitigation grant to the applicant. The amount of the grant shall be sufficient to pay for the mitigation recommendation as determined by this section to the extent required above the applicant's five percent share. Any additional enhancement shall be at the discretion and within the means of the board. Under no circumstance shall the total amount of the grant exceed five percent of the construction costs of the project, or be disbursed in installments that exceed seventy percent of the amount of the grant during any fiscal year. Any mitigation cost in excess of ten percent of the construction costs of a project shall be borne by the applicant.
(c) An applicant may apply for an enhancement grant by submitting to the commission and the board an enhancement proposal for enhancing fish and wildlife resources over and above the levels existing without such facilities. The commission shall submit its recommendations on the proposal to the board for its consideration. The board, with the concurrence of the commission, may award a grant for fish and wildlife enhancement. Any such enhancement grant will be shared equally by the Colorado water conservation board's fish and wildlife resources fund and the division of parks and wildlife's wildlife cash funds and other funds available to the division.
(d) For the purpose of this subsection (2), construction costs means the best estimate of the physical construction costs as fixed by the Colorado water conservation board as of the date of the grant application. Costs should be limited to design, engineering and physical construction and will not include the costs of planning, financing, and environmental documentation, mitigation costs, legal expenses, site acquisition or water rights.
(e) Species recovery grants from the fish and wildlife resources fund may be made for the purpose of responding to needs of declining native species and to those species protected under the federal "Endangered Species Act of 1973", 16 U.S.C. sec. 1531, et seq., as amended, in a manner that will carry out the state water policy.
(f) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2001, p. 692, § 28, effective May 30, 2001.)
(3) Decisions relating to the official state mitigation position made pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of this section shall not be subject to judicial review.
(4) The board shall distribute mitigation and enhancement grants reasonably and equitably among water basins toward the end that those projects sponsored by beneficiaries east of the continental divide receive fifty percent of the money granted and those projects sponsored by beneficiaries west of the continental divide receive fifty percent of the money granted under this section.
(5) The general assembly hereby recognizes the role instream flows and river restoration projects play in mitigating the effects of the construction, operation, and maintenance of water diversion, delivery, and storage facilities. Therefore, the Colorado water conservation board and the operators of existing water diversion, delivery, or storage facilities projects are hereby authorized to apply directly to the board for moneys for projects to carry out the purposes of this section. The board is authorized to grant such moneys if it finds that such projects will further the purposes of this section.