(1) The general assembly hereby recognizes that the claims of various agencies and organizations of the federal government to waters of the state of Colorado represent a claim to waters heretofore claimed by appropriators of the state of Colorado who have relied on the doctrine of prior appropriation to protect their property rights in and to those waters lawfully appropriated or acquired. The general assembly recognizes the need to take all actions necessary to protect such valuable property rights of its citizens, including the establishment of the fund as set forth in this section.
(2) (a) There is hereby established a reserved rights litigation fund in the office of the state treasurer to be utilized by the department of law for resolution of reserved rights claims. Moneys credited to said fund shall be expended by the attorney general only upon authorization by the general assembly and consistent with the provisions of this section. The controller, upon presentation of vouchers properly drawn and signed by the attorney general or an authorized employee of the department of law, shall issue warrants drawn on said fund. All moneys so deposited in the reserved rights litigation fund shall remain in said fund to be used for the purposes set forth in this section and shall not revert to the Coloradowater conservation board construction fund, the general fund, or any other fund at the end of the year, except as directed by the general assembly. All interest earned from the investment of moneys in the reserved rights litigation fund shall be credited to and become a part of the Colorado water conservation board construction fund created by section 37-60-121.
(b) Repealed.