(1) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires, "drought mitigation" means the planning and implementation of actions and programs used in periods of unusual water scarcity, with a combination of actions and programs taken before a drought to reduce the occurrence and severity of water supply shortages, and actions and programs taken during a drought to manage water supplies and water demand appropriately.
(2) The office shall develop programs to provide technical assistance to covered entities and other state or local governmental entities in the development of drought mitigation plans.
(3) The board is hereby authorized to expend revenues from the water efficiency grant program cash fund and to recommend the appropriation and expenditure of the revenues as is necessary from the unobligated balance of the five-percent share of the severance tax operational fund designated for use by the board for the purpose of assisting covered entities and other state or local governmental entities to develop drought mitigation plans that the office identifies as sufficient.
(4) The board shall adopt guidelines for the office to use in reviewing, evaluating, and approving drought mitigation plans submitted by covered entities or other state or local governmental entities in accordance with this section.