RCW 90.03.310 Appropriation procedure—Assignability of permit or application.
Any permit to appropriate water may be assigned subject to the conditions of the permit, but no such assignment shall be binding or valid unless filed for record with the department. Any application for permits to appropriate water prior to permit issuing, may be assigned by the applicant, but no such assignment shall be valid or binding unless the written consent of the department is first obtained thereto, and unless such assignment is filed for record with the department.
[ 1987 c 109 § 88; 1917 c 117 § 32; RRS § 7384. Prior: 1891 c 142 § 6. Formerly RCW 90.20.080.]
Purpose—Short title—Construction—Rules—Severability—Captions—1987 c 109: See notes following RCW 43.21B.001.