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U.S. State Codes
Title 90 - Water Rights—Env...
Chapter 90.03 - Water Code.
Chapter 90.03 - Water Code.
90.03.005 State water policy—Cooperation with other agencies—Reduction of wasteful practices.
90.03.010 Appropriation of water rights—Existing rights preserved.
90.03.015 Definitions.
90.03.020 Units of water measurement.
90.03.030 Right to convey water along lake or stream—Conveyance to intake structure in neighboring state.
90.03.040 Eminent domain—Use of water declared public use.
90.03.060 Water masters—Appointment, compensation.
90.03.070 Water masters—Duties—Office space and equipment—Clerical assistance.
90.03.090 Water master's power of arrest.
90.03.100 Prosecuting attorney, legal assistant.
90.03.105 Petition by planning units for general adjudication.
90.03.110 Determination of water rights—Petition—Statement and plan.
90.03.120 Determination of water rights—Order—Summons—Necessary parties—Use of innovative practices and technologies encouraged.
90.03.130 Determination of water rights—Service of summons.
90.03.140 Determination of water rights—Adjudication claim by defendant.
90.03.150 Determination of water rights—Guardian ad litem for defendant.
90.03.160 Determination of water rights—Response to motions under RCW 90.03.640(3)—Notice of intent to cross-examine—Appointment of a referee—Special rules.
90.03.180 Determination of water rights—Filing fee.
90.03.200 Determination of water rights—Final decree and notice of decree—Payment of fees—Appellate review of decree.
90.03.210 Determination of water rights—Interim regulation of water—Appeals.
90.03.220 Determination of water rights—Failure to appear—Estoppel.
90.03.230 Determination of water rights—Copy of decree to director.
90.03.240 Determination of water rights—Certificate of adjudicated water right—Notice—Fees.
90.03.243 Determination of water rights—State to bear its expenses, when—County must be provided extraordinary costs imposed due to adjudication.
90.03.245 Determination of water rights—Scope.
90.03.247 Minimum flows and levels—Departmental authority exclusive—Other recommendations considered.
90.03.250 Appropriation procedure—Application for permit—Temporary permit.
90.03.252 Use of reclaimed water by wastewater treatment facility—Permit requirements inapplicable.
90.03.255 Applications for water right, transfer, or change—Consideration of water impoundment or other resource management technique.
90.03.260 Appropriation procedure—Application—Contents.
90.03.265 Appropriation procedure—Cost-reimbursement agreement for expedited review of application—Adoption of rules.
90.03.270 Appropriation procedure—Record of application.
90.03.280 Appropriation procedure—Notice.
90.03.290 Appropriation procedure—Department to investigate—Preliminary permit—Findings and action on application.
90.03.300 Appropriation procedure—Diversion of water for out-of-state use—Reciprocity.
90.03.310 Appropriation procedure—Assignability of permit or application.
90.03.320 Appropriation procedure—Construction work.
90.03.330 Appropriation procedure—Water right certificate.
90.03.340 Appropriation procedure—Effective date of water right.
90.03.345 Establishment of reservations of water for certain purposes and minimum flows or levels as constituting appropriations with priority dates.
90.03.350 Construction or modification of storage dam—Plans and specifications—Additional dam safety inspection requirements for metals mining and milling operations.
90.03.360 Controlling works and measuring devices—Metering of diversions—Impact on fish stock.
90.03.370 Reservoir permits—Secondary permits—Expedited processing—Underground artificial storage and recovery project standards and rules—Exemptions—Report to the legislature.
90.03.380 Right to water attaches to land—Transfer or change in point of diversion—Transfer of rights from one district to another—Priority of water rights applications—Exemption for small irrigation impoundments—Electronic notice of an application for an interbasin water rights transfer.
90.03.383 Interties—Findings—Definitions—Review and approval.
90.03.386 Coordination of approval procedures for compliance and consistency with approved water system plan.
90.03.390 Temporary changes—Emergency interties—Rotation in use.
90.03.395 Change of point of diversion to downstream intake structure—Intent.
90.03.397 Department may approve change of the point of diversion prescribed in a permit to appropriate surface water—Requirements.
90.03.400 Crimes against water code—Unauthorized use of water.
90.03.410 Crimes against water code—Interference with works—Wrongful use of water—Property destruction—Penalty.
90.03.420 Crimes against water code—Obstruction of right-of-way.
90.03.430 Partnership ditches—Action for reimbursement for work done.
90.03.440 Partnership ditches—Procedure for division of water between joint owners.
90.03.450 Partnership ditches—Lien for labor performed.
90.03.460 Inchoate rights not affected.
90.03.470 Schedule of fees.
90.03.471 Disposition of fees.
90.03.500 Stormwater control facilities—Imposition of rates and charges—Legislative findings.
90.03.510 Stormwater control facilities—Imposition of rates and charges—Credit for other improvements.
90.03.520 Stormwater control facilities—Imposition of rates and charges—Definitions.
90.03.525 Stormwater control facilities—Imposition of rates and charges with respect to state highway rights-of-way—Annual plan for expenditure of charges.
90.03.540 Highway construction improvement projects—Joint stormwater treatment facilities.
90.03.550 Municipal water supply purposes—Beneficial uses.
90.03.560 Municipal water supply purposes—Identification.
90.03.570 Change or transfer of an unperfected surface water right for municipal water supply purposes.
90.03.580 Failing public water system—Conditions.
90.03.590 Municipal water suppliers—Watershed agreement—Pilot project.
90.03.591 New watershed agreements prohibited after July 1, 2008.
90.03.600 Civil penalties.
90.03.605 Compliance—Sequence of enforcement measures—Location of compliance personnel.
90.03.615 Calculating annual consumptive quantity.
90.03.620 Water rights adjudication—Disqualification of judge.
90.03.625 Water rights adjudication—Motion for default.
90.03.630 Water rights adjudication—Use for which a statement of claim is required.
90.03.635 Water rights adjudication—Filing of evidence.
90.03.640 Water rights adjudication—Preliminary investigation—Department's report of findings.
90.03.645 Water rights adjudication—Early settlement encouraged—Approval of settlement.
90.03.650 Water rights processing account.
90.03.655 Expedited processing of applications—On department's own volition—Notice—Fees.
90.03.660 Expedited processing of applications—Notice to tribal governments.
90.03.665 Certified water right examiners—Fees—Rules.
90.03.670 Processing of water right applications—Scope of chapter 285, Laws of 2010.
90.03.675 Stormwater retention ponds—Mosquito abatement.