RCW 41.18.102 Applicability of RCW 41.18.040 and 41.18.100.
The provisions of RCW 41.18.040 and 41.18.100 shall be applicable to all firefighters employed prior to March 1, 1970, but shall not apply to any former firefighter who has terminated his or her employment prior to July 1, 1969.
[ 2007 c 218 § 52; 1969 ex.s. c 209 § 32.]
Intent—Finding—2007 c 218: See note following RCW 1.08.130.
Effective date—Severability—Construction—1969 ex.s. c 209: See RCW 41.26.3901, 41.26.3902, and 41.26.3903.