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U.S. State Codes
Title 41 - Public Employmen...
Chapter 41.18 - Firefighters' Relief and Pensio...
Chapter 41.18 - Firefighters' Relief and Pensions—1955 Act.
41.18.010 Definitions.
41.18.015 Pension boards in fire districts created—Members—Terms—Vacancies—Officers—Quorum.
41.18.020 Powers and duties of board.
41.18.030 Contributions by firefighters.
41.18.040 Retirement for service—Widow's or widower's pension—Payments to children.
41.18.042 Actuarially reduced retirement allowance—Spousal benefit.
41.18.045 Pension benefits for widows or widowers of unretired, eligible firefighters—Retroactive.
41.18.050 Disablement in line of duty—Retirement.
41.18.060 Disablement in line of duty—Inactive period—Allowance—Medical, hospital, nursing care.
41.18.080 Payment upon disablement not in line of duty.
41.18.090 Examination of disability pensioners—Restoration to active duty.
41.18.100 Payment on death in line of duty or while retired on account of service-connected disability.
41.18.102 Applicability of RCW 41.18.040 and 41.18.100.
41.18.104 Annual increase in benefits payable on retirement for service or disability—Appeals.
41.18.130 Payment on separation—With less than twenty-five years service or less than fifty years of age—Option to be classified as vested firefighter.
41.18.140 Funeral expenses.
41.18.150 Credit for military service.
41.18.160 Certain firefighters may elect to be covered under other law.
41.18.165 Credit for membership in private organization acquired by municipality.
41.18.170 Application of chapter.
41.18.180 Firefighter contributor under prior law may obtain benefits of chapter—Refunds.
41.18.190 Transfer of membership authorized.
41.18.200 Minimum pension.
41.18.210 Transfer of credit from city employees' retirement system to firefighters' pension system.
41.18.900 Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.