(a) Milk and milk products which are in compliance with this article and in compliance with the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this article may be sold, offered for sale, or delivered to the consuming public for the purpose of human consumption, provided the container in which the milk or milk product is sold, offered for sale, or delivered has affixed thereto or printed thereon labels approved by the Commissioner. No milk or milk product may be sold, offered for sale, or delivered for the purpose of human consumption if it is not in compliance with this article or the standards or rules and regulations prescribed pursuant to this article.
(b) The sale, offering for sale, or delivery of ungraded milk is prohibited.
(c) No raw whole milk for manufacturing purposes may be offered for sale in this state to anyone except processors and manufacturers properly licensed and inspected to manufacture and process manufactured milk products.
(d) It shall be unlawful to sell, keep for sale, or offer for sale any condensed or evaporated milk, concentrated milk, sweetened condensed milk, sweetened evaporated milk, sweetened concentrated milk, sweetened evaporated skimmed milk, or any of the fluid derivatives of any of them, to which shall have been added any fat or oil other than milk fat, either under the name of the products or articles or the derivatives thereof, or under any fictitious or trade name whatsoever.