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U.S. State Codes
Title 22 - Education
Compensatory Education
Article 25 - Colorado Comprehensive Health Educ...
Article 25 - Colorado Comprehensive Health Education Act
§ 22-25-101. Short title
§ 22-25-102. Legislative declaration
§ 22-25-103. Definitions
§ 22-25-104. Colorado comprehensive health education program - role of department of education - recommended curriculum guidelines - allocation of funds - rules
§ 22-25-104.5. Law-related education program - creation
§ 22-25-105. Review of local comprehensive health education programs and local student wellness programs - allocation of funds by the state board of education
§ 22-25-106. Local comprehensive health education programs - local student wellness programs - establishment of comprehensive health education advisory councils
§ 22-25-107. Reports required
§ 22-25-108. Participation of nonpublic school personnel
§ 22-25-110. Funding of existing programs - operation of other health education programs