(1) The general assembly hereby finds and declares that comprehensive health education is an essential element of public education in the state of Colorado. The school system is a logical vehicle for conveying to children and parents significant health information, developing an awareness of the value of good health to the individual and to the community, promoting healthy behavior and positive self-concepts, and providing means for dealing with peer and other pressures. It is further declared that many serious health problems in Colorado, including high-risk behaviors, are directly attributable to the insufficient health knowledge and motivation of the school-age population and the general public and that studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of a planned school curriculum throughout the elementary and secondary grades in developing healthy behavior. The purpose of this article is to foster healthy behaviors in our children and communities through a comprehensive educational plan which has as its goal not only the increase of health knowledge but also the modification of high-risk behaviors.
(2) Since the enactment of this article, the general assembly has further determined that the insidious attractions of gangs and substance abuse are endangering the youth of Colorado and, by doing so, are endangering all Colorado citizens. Accordingly, the general assembly finds and declares that the implementation of educational programs in the public schools, including facility schools, is necessary to assist young people in avoiding gang involvement and substance abuse.
(3) The general assembly further finds that:
(a) For students to reach their full potential, school communities need to address comprehensive issues of student wellness, including but not limited to addressing the physical, mental, emotional, and social needs of students;
(b) High-quality physical education programs taught by persons who are licensed and endorsed in physical education may be a factor in battling the rising incidence of obesity by ensuring not only that children receive a healthy level of physical activity but that they also learn skills and develop knowledge that will enable them to maintain a healthy level of activity throughout their lifetimes;
(c) It is therefore appropriate for the general assembly to expand the "Colorado Comprehensive Health Education Act" to include funding for local student wellness programs that are coordinated with local comprehensive health education programs in public schools, including facility schools.