(1) (a) There is hereby created, within the Colorado department of education prevention initiatives unit, the Colorado law-related education program for the purpose of promoting behavior which will reduce through education the incidence of gang or other antisocial behavior and substance abuse by students in the public school system.
(b) Under the program, each school district and facility school in the state is strongly encouraged to implement a law-related education program pursuant to the requirements of this article, which program shall specifically address the development of resistance to antisocial gang behavior and substance abuse without compromising academics.
(2) (a) A law-related education program implemented by a school district or facility school may be designed to promote responsible citizenship and reduce antisocial behavior without compromising academics. Specific grade levels should be determined by school districts and facility schools based on local curricular frameworks and review of what is known about existing and promising programs. All topics addressed in such law-related education program shall be taught in a manner which is appropriate for the ages of the students to be instructed.
(b) The topics for instruction in a law-related education program shall include instruction on the United States constitution and the declaration of independence and may include, but need not be limited to, the following:
(I) The rights and responsibilities of citizenship;
(II) The foundations and principles of American constitutional democracy;
(III) The role of law in American society;
(IV) The organization and purpose of legal and political systems;
(V) The disposition to abide by law;
(VI) The opportunities for responsible participation;
(VII) The alternative dispute resolution approach including mediation and conflict resolution.
(c) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2000, p. 372, § 25, effective April 10, 2000.)
(3) and (4) (Deleted by amendment, L. 99, p. 106, § 1, effective March 24, 1999.)
(5) (a) The state board shall promulgate guidelines to provide grants to and to assist school districts and facility schools in the implementation of effective, comprehensive law-related education programs addressing gang awareness and substance abuse resistance. Such guidelines shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(I) Suggested topics for instruction;
(II) Suggested texts and other instructional materials; and
(III) The necessary training for instructors.
(b) The state board shall make such guidelines available to all school districts and facility schools for use in implementing law-related education programs.
(c) The department of education, through the coordinator and staff of the prevention initiatives unit, shall be responsible for implementation, monitoring, and administration of the program and shall maintain certifications and records and act as a statewide clearinghouse for information and assistance for the law-related education programs.
(6) (a) All school districts and facility schools are encouraged to create programs for the training of instructors and administrators in gang awareness and substance abuse resistance education in order to provide effective instruction to students concerning the dangers of gang involvement and substance abuse.
(b) Upon the request of school district officials, the state board shall assist school district officials in the preparation of plans for the creation by school districts of training programs for instructors and administrators in gang awareness and substance abuse resistance education.
(7) (a) Each school district and facility school may prepare an annual report concerning the progress of the school district or facility school in implementing a law-related education program. The report shall be filed with the state board on or before October 1 of each year.
(b) Each annual report prepared pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (7) shall include, but shall not be limited to, an analysis by school district or facility school officials of the effect of the law-related education program on the incidence of gang involvement and substance abuse by the students in the school district or facility school.