(a) In administering the provisions of this subchapter, the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality may adopt and give appropriate effect to variations within this state in climate, geology, population density, and such other factors as may be relevant to the management of hazardous wastes, the establishment of standards and permit conditions, and to the siting of permitted facilities.
(b) To the extent practicable, the rules, regulations, and procedures adopted by the department pursuant to this subchapter shall be consistent with other environmentally related rules, regulations, and procedures of the department. In administering the provisions of this subchapter and of all other laws under the administration of the department, the department and the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission shall coordinate and expedite the issuance of permits required by an applicant under one (1) or more laws, to the end of eliminating, insofar as practicable, any duplication of unnecessary time and expense to the applicant and the department.
(c) The department shall integrate all provisions of this subchapter with the appropriate provisions of all other laws which grant regulatory authority to the department for purposes of administration and enforcement and shall avoid duplication to the maximum extent practicable.