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U.S. State Codes
Title 8 - Environmental Law
Chapter 7 - Hazardous Subst...
Subchapter 2 - Hazardous Waste Management Act
Subchapter 2 - Hazardous Waste Management Act
§ 8-7-201. Title
§ 8-7-202. Purpose
§ 8-7-203. Definitions
§ 8-7-204. Criminal, civil, and administrative penalties
§ 8-7-205. Unlawful actions
§ 8-7-206. Private right of action
§ 8-7-207. Venue for legal proceedings
§ 8-7-208. Official agency for program and agreements
§ 8-7-209. Powers and duties of the department and commission generally
§ 8-7-210. Existing rules, regulations, etc
§ 8-7-211. Variances, waivers, or extensions
§ 8-7-212. Considerations in administration
§ 8-7-213. Procedure generally
§ 8-7-214. Emergency order for imminent hazard
§ 8-7-215. Permits -- Requirement
§ 8-7-216. Permits -- Issuance generally -- Interim operations
§ 8-7-217. Permits -- Notice of hearing
§ 8-7-218. Permits -- Compliance with subchapter, state and federal standards, regulations, etc
§ 8-7-219. Permits -- Commercial facilities -- Terms and conditions
§ 8-7-220. Permits -- Duration -- Renewal
§ 8-7-221. Permits -- Revocation
§ 8-7-222. Permits -- Hearing upon denial, revocation, or modification
§ 8-7-223. Location of landfill
§ 8-7-224. Rules for transporting hazardous waste
§ 8-7-225. Records and examinations
§ 8-7-226. Fees -- Fund established
§ 8-7-227. Corrective action at permitted facilities and interim status facilities