The State Investment Strategy for Energy Impacted Areas should be a dynamic document updated as each plan or group of plans is submitted to Rural Development for approval.
The Governor shall consult with the Rural Development State Director when developing or updating a State Investment Strategy for Energy Impacted Areas.
The State Investment Strategy for Energy Impacted Areas will include but is not limited to:
A list of projects in order of priority;
The Governor's recommended level of and method of funding for each project through completion of the project identified in the plans submitted and incorporated into the State Investment Strategy for Energy Impacted Areas;
Methods of coordinating assistance with other State and Federal development programs;
The differential between available financial resources and the cost of needed site development and acquisition for housing and public facilities and services within the area covered by the State Investment Strategy for Energy Impacted Areas;
References to plan and page number of plan on which each priority project is described.
The State Investment Strategy for Energy Impacted Areas having projects expected to be funded in FY 1979 should be submitted to the Rural Development State Director of the appropriate State before July 15, 1979. A copy should also be forwarded to the Under Secretary for Rural Development.