The following criteria will be used in the selection of planning grant recipients:
Planning assistance which could be used for the purpose of the proposed planning process is not available from other sources on a timely basis (Mandatory);
The increase in the number of new employees and the percentage of increase in employment in coal and/or uranium development activities in the year of designation within the approved designated area (years projected will be averaged and treated equally);
The need for planning in relation to the financial resources available for such planning;
The planning priorities and recommended funding level of the Governor(s) of the appropriate State(s);
The appropriateness of the proposed planning activity for meeting the planning needs of the area, including but not limited to the building of planning capacity and the local priority for the project;
The inadequacy of existing plans for mitigating the effects of coal and/or uranium development activities; and
The nature of comments and recommendation received in accordance with 7 CFR part 3015 subpart V, “Intergovernmental Review of Department of Agriculture Programs and Activities”. (See RD Instruction 1970-I, ‘Intergovernmental Review,’ available in any Agency office or on the Agency's Web site.)