Tests to determine specific gravity shall be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section.
The potatoes used for such determinations shall be:
Taken at random from a composite sample drawn from containers representative of the lot.
A comparable sample from a bulk load or storage bin.
From a portion of the divided sample initially drawn or submitted for determination of grade or contract compliance.
Representative of the lot with respect to size and quality.
Specific gravity shall be determined by either;
Calculation from the weights of the sample in air and in water made with USDA approved equipment. The reading obtained from each test shall be corrected for temperature variations using Table I.
A hydrometer specifically designed for determining the specific gravity of potatoes. 3
3 The hydrometer is available from the Potato Chip/Snack Food Association, Crystal Square-3, Suite 903, 1735 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.