9-2-1008. Unexpended, unobligated funds to lapse or be carried over; duty of auditor; reporting.
(a) In the event that the appropriation made or other revenue authorized by law for use by a state agency has not been expended by the close of the fiscal period, it shall lapse or be carried forward as provided by W.S. 9-4-207 after provision is made for payment of outstanding obligations legally incurred during the previous fiscal period. The auditor, after consultation with the department, as of June 30 of each year shall take appropriate action in accordance with this section.
(b) Unexpended appropriations carried forward into the next fiscal biennium pursuant to an outstanding obligation legally incurred shall be expended only for the purposes for which the funds were appropriated or authorized and shall not be revised or converted for another purpose after being carried forward. Upon completion of the purposes for which the funds were carried forward, any remaining funds shall immediately revert to the appropriate fund as specified in W.S. 9-4-207.