19-9-203. Establishing bounds for annual field training and other missions; entry without leave; disorderly conduct; interrupting, molesting, insulting or obstructing officer or soldier; penalties.
(a) During an encampment for annual field training or when one (1) or more units of the national guard are engaged in a mission under lawful orders in an active state status, the commanding officer may fix certain bounds not including any public road within which no spectator may enter without leave. Whoever intrudes within such limits when forbidden to do so, or after entering with permission conducts himself in a disorderly manner, or resists a sentry or guard acting under orders to prevent the entry or to prevent disorderly conduct, may be arrested by the commanding officer or by his order and taken before a circuit court of the county. Upon conviction a person violating this subsection shall be fined not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), confined in the county jail for up to six (6) months, or both.
(b) Any person who interrupts, molests, insults by abusive words or behavior, or obstructs any member of the national guard while on duty on active state service or for drills, parades or other military duty, is guilty of a misdemeanor and in addition to prosecution for the offense may be immediately put under guard by the officer in command until the duty is concluded. Any civilian so placed under guard will be placed into the custody of the local county sheriff without delay. Upon conviction the person so offending shall be fined not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), confined in the county jail for up to six (6) months, or both.