Every two years the board shall elect from among its members a president and vice president. Regular meetings shall be held as scheduled by the rules of the board. Special meetings of the board may be called by the joint action of the president and vice president or by any three members of the board on seven days' prior written notice by mail postage prepaid or electronic means or, in case of emergency, on two days' notice by telephone and electronic means. With the exception of the state health officer, members of the board shall receive compensation and expense reimbursement in accordance with section eleven, article one of this chapter.
A majority of the membership of the board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business, and business is transacted by a majority vote of a quorum, except for disciplinary actions which shall require the affirmative vote of not less than five members or a majority vote of those present, whichever is greater.
Meetings of the board shall be held in public session. Disciplinary proceedings, prior to a finding of probable cause as provided in subsection (p), section fourteen of this article, shall be held in closed sessions, unless the party subject to discipline requests that the proceedings be held in public session.