RCW 90.71.360 Limitations on authority.
(1) The partnership shall not have regulatory authority nor authority to transfer the responsibility for, or implementation of, any state regulatory program, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the legislature.
(2) The action agenda may not create a legally enforceable duty to review or approve permits, or to adopt plans or regulations. The action agenda may not authorize the adoption of rules under chapter 34.05 RCW creating a legally enforceable duty applicable to the review or approval of permits or to the adoption of plans or regulations. No action of the partnership may alter the forest practices rules adopted pursuant to chapter 76.09 RCW, or any associated habitat conservation plan. Any changes in forest practices identified by the processes established in this chapter as necessary to fully recover the health of Puget Sound by 2020 may only be realized through the processes established in RCW 76.09.370 and other designated processes established in Title 76 RCW. Nothing in this subsection or subsection (1) of this section limits the accountability provisions of this chapter.
(3) Nothing in this chapter limits or alters the existing legal authority of local governments, nor does it create a legally enforceable duty upon local governments. When a local government proposes to take an action inconsistent with the action agenda, it shall inform the council and identify the reasons for taking the action. If a local government chooses to take an action inconsistent with the action agenda or chooses not to take action required by the action agenda, it will be subject to the accountability measures in this chapter which can be used at the discretion of the council.
[ 2007 c 341 § 18.]