RCW 90.71.350 Accountability for achieving and implementing action agenda—Noncompliance.
(1) The council is accountable for achieving the action agenda. The legislature intends that all governmental entities within Puget Sound will exercise their existing authorities to implement the applicable provisions of the action agenda.
(2) The partnership shall involve the public and implementing entities to develop standards and processes by which the partnership will determine whether implementing entities are taking actions consistent with the action agenda and achieving the outcomes identified in the action agenda. Among these measures, the council may hold management conferences with implementing entities to review and assess performance in undertaking implementation strategies with a particular focus on compliance with and enforcement of existing laws. Where the council identifies an inconsistency with the action agenda, the council shall offer support and assistance to the entity with the objective of remedying the inconsistency. The results of the conferences shall be included in the state of the Sound report required under RCW 90.71.370.
(3) In the event the council determines that an entity is in substantial noncompliance with the action agenda, it shall provide notice of this finding and supporting information to the entity. The council or executive director shall thereafter meet and confer with the entity to discuss the finding and, if appropriate, develop a corrective action plan. If no agreement is reached, the council shall hold a public meeting to present its findings and the proposed corrective action plan. If the entity is a state agency, the meeting shall include representatives of the governor's office and office of financial management. If the entity is a local government, the meeting shall be held in the jurisdiction and electoral representatives from the jurisdictions shall be invited to attend. If, after this process, the council finds that substantial noncompliance continues, the council shall issue written findings and document its conclusions. The council may recommend to the governor that the entity be ineligible for state financial assistance until the substantial noncompliance is remedied. Instances of noncompliance shall be included in the state of the Sound report required under RCW 90.71.370.
(4) The council shall provide a forum for addressing and resolving problems, conflicts, or a substantial lack of progress in a specific area that it has identified in the implementation of the action agenda, or that citizens or implementing entities bring to the council. The council may use conflict resolution mechanisms such as but not limited to, technical and financial assistance, facilitated discussions, and mediation to resolve the conflict. Where the parties and the council are unable to resolve the conflict, and the conflict significantly impairs the implementation of the action agenda, the council shall provide its analysis of the conflict and recommendations resolution to the governor, the legislature, and to those entities with jurisdictional authority to resolve the conflict.
(5) When the council or an implementing entity identifies a statute, rule, ordinance or policy that conflicts with or is an impediment to the implementation of the action agenda, or identifies a deficiency in existing statutory authority to accomplish an element of the action agenda, the council shall review the matter with the implementing entities involved. The council shall evaluate the merits of the conflict, impediment, or deficiency, and make recommendations to the legislature, governor, agency, local government or other appropriate entity for addressing and resolving the conflict.
(6) The council may make recommendations to the governor and appropriate committees of the senate and house of representatives for local or state administrative or legislative actions to address barriers it has identified to successfully implementing the action agenda.
[ 2007 c 341 § 17.]