RCW 82.80.130 Passenger-only ferry service—Local option motor vehicle excise tax authorized.
(1) Public transportation benefit areas authorized to implement passenger-only ferry service under RCW 36.57A.200 whose boundaries (a) are on the Puget Sound, but (b) do not include an area where a regional transit authority has been formed, may submit an authorizing proposition to the voters and, if approved, may levy and collect an excise tax, at a rate approved by the voters, but not exceeding four-tenths of one percent on the value of every motor vehicle owned by a resident of the taxing district, solely for the purpose of providing passenger-only ferry service. The tax must be collected only at the time of vehicle registration renewal under *chapter 46.16 RCW. The tax will be imposed on vehicles previously registered in another state or nation when they are initially registered in this state. The tax will not be imposed at the time of sale by a licensed vehicle dealer. In a county imposing a motor vehicle excise tax surcharge under RCW 81.100.060, the maximum tax rate under this section must be reduced to a rate equal to four-tenths of one percent on the value less the equivalent motor vehicle excise tax rate of the surcharge imposed under RCW 81.100.060. This rate does not apply to vehicles registered under RCW 46.16A.455 with a scale weight more than six thousand pounds, or to vehicles registered under RCW 46.16A.425, 46.17.335, or 46.17.350(1)(c).
(2) The department of licensing shall administer and collect the tax in accordance with chapter 82.44 RCW. The department shall deduct a percentage amount, as provided by contract, not to exceed one percent of the taxes collected, for administration and collection expenses incurred by it. The remaining proceeds must be remitted to the custody of the state treasurer for monthly distribution to the public transportation benefit area.
(3) The public transportation benefit area imposing this tax shall delay the effective date at least six months from the date the fee is approved by the qualified voters of the authority area to allow the department of licensing to implement administration and collection of the tax.
(4) Before an authority may impose a tax authorized under this section, the authorization for imposition of the tax must be approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the authority area voting on that issue.
[ 2010 c 161 § 916; 2006 c 318 § 4; 2003 c 83 § 206.]
*Reviser's note: Although directed to be recodified within chapter 46.16 RCW pursuant to chapter 161, Laws of 2010, a majority of chapter 46.16 RCW was recodified under chapter 46.16A RCW pursuant to RCW 1.08.015 (2)(k) and (3).
Effective date—Intent—Legislation to reconcile chapter 161, Laws of 2010 and other amendments made during the 2010 legislative session—2010 c 161: See notes following RCW 46.04.013.
Findings—Intent—Captions, part headings not law—Severability—Effective date—2003 c 83: See notes following RCW 36.57A.200.