RCW 48.07.150 Solicitations in other states.
(1) No domestic insurer shall knowingly solicit insurance business in any reciprocating state in which it is not then licensed as an authorized insurer.
(2) This section shall not prohibit advertising through publications and radio broadcasts originating outside such reciprocating state, if the insurer is licensed in a majority of the states in which such advertising is disseminated, and if such advertising is not specifically directed to residents of such reciprocating state.
(3) This section shall not prohibit insurance, covering persons or risks located in a reciprocating state, under contracts solicited and issued in states in which the insurer is then licensed. Nor shall it prohibit insurance effectuated by the insurer as an unauthorized insurer in accordance with the laws of the reciprocating state. Nor shall it prohibit renewal or continuance in force, with or without modification, of contracts otherwise lawful and which were not originally executed in violation of this section.
(4) A "reciprocating" state, as used herein, is one under the laws of which a similar prohibition is imposed upon and is enforced against insurers domiciled in that state.
(5) The commissioner shall suspend or revoke the certificate of authority of a domestic insurer found by him or her, after a hearing, to have violated this section.
[ 2009 c 549 § 7027; 1988 c 248 § 4; 1947 c 79 § .07.15; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 45.07.15.]