RCW 41.06.400 Training and career development programs—Powers and duties of department of enterprise services.
(1) In addition to other powers and duties specified in this chapter, the department of enterprise services in consultation with the office of financial management shall:
(a) By rule, prescribe the purpose and minimum standards for training and career development programs and, in so doing, regularly consult with and consider the needs of individual agencies and employees;
(b) Provide training and career development programs which may be conducted more efficiently and economically on an interagency basis;
(c) Promote interagency sharing of resources for training and career development;
(d) Monitor and review the impact of training and career development programs to ensure that the responsibilities of the state to provide equal employment opportunities are diligently carried out.
(2) At an agency's request, the department of enterprise services may provide training and career development programs for an agency's internal use which may be conducted more efficiently and economically by the department of enterprise services.
[ 2011 1st sp.s. c 43 § 423; 2002 c 354 § 219; 1980 c 118 § 4.]
Effective date—Purpose—2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following RCW 43.19.003.
Short title—Headings, captions not law—Severability—Effective dates—2002 c 354: See RCW 41.80.907 through 41.80.910.
Severability—1980 c 118: See note following RCW 41.06.010.