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U.S. State Codes
Title 35A - Optional Munici...
Chapter 35A.12 - Mayor-Council Plan of Government.
Chapter 35A.12 - Mayor-Council Plan of Government.
35A.12.010 Elective city officers—Size of council.
35A.12.020 Appointive officers—Duties—Compensation.
35A.12.030 Eligibility to hold elective office.
35A.12.040 Elections—Terms of elective officers—Numbering of council positions.
35A.12.050 Vacancies.
35A.12.060 Vacancy for nonattendance.
35A.12.065 Pro tempore appointments.
35A.12.070 Compensation of elective officers—Expenses.
35A.12.080 Oath and bond of officers.
35A.12.090 Appointment and removal of officers—Terms.
35A.12.100 Duties and authority of the mayor—Veto—Tie-breaking vote.
35A.12.110 Council meetings.
35A.12.120 Council—Quorum—Rules—Voting.
35A.12.130 Ordinances—Style—Requisites—Veto.
35A.12.140 Adoption of codes by reference.
35A.12.150 Ordinances—Authentication and recording.
35A.12.160 Publication of ordinances or summary—Public notice of hearings and meeting agendas.
35A.12.170 Audit and allowance of demands against city.
35A.12.180 Optional division of city into wards.
35A.12.190 Powers of council.