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U.S. State Codes
Title 28A - Common School P...
Chapter 28A.245 - Skill Centers.
Chapter 28A.245 - Skill Centers.
28A.245.005 Findings.
28A.245.010 Skill centers—Purpose—Operation.
28A.245.020 Funding—Equivalency and apportionment.
28A.245.030 Revised guidelines for skill centers—Satellite and branch campus programs—Capital plan—Studies—Master plan—Rules.
28A.245.040 Expanded access—Targeted populations—Evaluation.
28A.245.050 Skill centers of excellence—Running start for career and technical education grant program—Career and technical programs of study.
28A.245.060 Director of skill centers.
28A.245.070 High school diplomas—Agreements with cooperating school districts—High school completion programs.
28A.245.080 Contracts with community or technical colleges—Courses leading to industry certificates or credentials for high school graduates.
28A.245.090 Contracts with community colleges—Enrollment lid—Fees.
28A.245.100 Minor repair and maintenance capital accounts.