RCW 15.88.120 List of growers of vinifera grapes—Reporting system.
(1) The commission shall cause a list to be prepared of all Washington growers from any information available from the department, growers' association, or wine producers. This list shall contain the names and addresses of all persons who grow vinifera grapes for sale or use by wine producers within this state and the amount (by tonnage) of vinifera grapes produced during the period designated by the commission. A qualified person may, at any time, have his or her name placed upon the list by delivering or mailing the information to the commission. This list shall be corrected and brought up-to-date in accordance with evidence and information available to the commission on or before December 31st of each year. For all purposes of giving notice and holding referendums, the list on hand, corrected up to the day next preceding the date for issuing notices or ballots as the case may be, is, for purposes of this chapter, deemed to be the list of all growers entitled to notice or to assent or dissent or to vote.
(2) The commission shall develop a reporting system to document that the vinifera grape growers in this state are reporting quantities of vinifera grapes grown and subject to the assessment as provided in RCW 15.88.130.
[ 1988 c 257 § 1.]