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U.S. State Codes
Title 15 - Agriculture and ...
Chapter 15.88 - Wine Commission.
Chapter 15.88 - Wine Commission.
15.88.010 Legislative declaration.
15.88.020 Definitions.
15.88.025 Regulating wine grapes and wine—Existing comprehensive scheme—Applicable laws.
15.88.030 Wine commission created—Composition.
15.88.040 Designation of commission members—Terms.
15.88.050 Appointment of members—Travel expenses.
15.88.060 Enforcement of commission obligations against commission assets—Liability of commission members and employees.
15.88.070 Commission powers and duties.
15.88.073 Commission's plans, programs, and projects—Director's approval required.
15.88.075 Commission speaks for state—Director's oversight.
15.88.080 Research, promotional, and educational campaign.
15.88.090 Campaign goals.
15.88.100 Commission members' votes weighted—Exception.
15.88.120 List of growers of vinifera grapes—Reporting system.
15.88.130 Annual assessment on harvested vinifera grapes—Approval by referendum—Rules.
15.88.140 Referendum determining grower participation—Effect.
15.88.150 Deposit of moneys.
15.88.160 Assessment constitutes debt—Penalty for nonpayment—Civil action.
15.88.170 Certain records exempt from public disclosure—Exceptions—Actions not prohibited by chapter.
15.88.180 Funding staff support—Rules—Costs of implementing RCW 15.88.073.
15.88.190 Commission must assist legislative gift center—Selection of Washington wines.
15.88.900 Construction—1987 c 452.
15.88.901 Effective dates—1987 c 452.