RCW 15.66.055 Director's duties and responsibilities—Rules.
The director may adopt rules necessary to carry out the director's duties and responsibilities under this chapter including:
(1) The issuance, amendment, suspension, or termination of marketing orders;
(2) Procedural, technical, or administrative rules which may address and include, but are not limited to:
(a) The submission of a petition to issue, amend, or terminate a marketing order under this chapter;
(b) Nominations conducted under this chapter;
(c) Elections of commission members or referenda conducted under this chapter; and
(d) Actions of the director upon a petition to issue, amend, or terminate a marketing order;
(3) Rules that provide for a method to fund:
(a) The costs of staff support for all commodity boards and commissions in accordance with RCW 43.23.033 if the position is not directly funded by the legislature; and
(b) The actual costs related to the specific activity undertaken on behalf of an individual commodity board or commission.
[ 2002 c 313 § 44.]
Effective dates—2002 c 313: See note following RCW 15.65.020.