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U.S. State Codes
Title 15 - Agriculture and ...
Chapter 15.66 - Washington State Agricultural C...
Chapter 15.66 - Washington State Agricultural Commodity Commissions.
15.66.010 Definitions.
15.66.015 Regulating agricultural commodities—Existing comprehensive scheme.
15.66.017 Regulating agricultural commodities—Laws applicable.
15.66.023 Commission may establish foundation.
15.66.030 Marketing orders authorized—Purposes.
15.66.040 Prerequisites to marketing orders—Director's duties.
15.66.050 Petition for marketing order—Deposit to defray department's expenses—Circumstances requiring reimbursement.
15.66.053 Proceedings subject to administrative procedure act—Exemptions.
15.66.055 Director's duties and responsibilities—Rules.
15.66.060 Lists of affected parties—Notice—Use of lists.
15.66.070 Petitions for marketing orders—Public hearing—Legal notice.
15.66.080 Findings, conclusions, and recommended decision of the director—Notification—Final decision.
15.66.090 After final decision—Assent of affected parties determined by referendum.
15.66.093 Suspension of marketing order upon request of commodity commission.
15.66.097 Issuing, amending, or terminating a marketing order—Limitation on public hearings or referendums.
15.66.100 Contents of marketing order.
15.66.105 Certain records exempt from public disclosure—Exemptions—Actions not prohibited by chapter.
15.66.110 Commodity commission—Composition—Terms.
15.66.113 When director appoints majority of the commission—Nominations—Advisory vote—Notice—Director selects either of two candidates receiving the most votes.
15.66.120 Commodity commission—Nominations—Elections—Vacancies.
15.66.123 After any vote, referendum, nomination, or election—Affected parties provided results—Disputes.
15.66.130 Commodity commission—Meetings—Quorum—Compensation—Travel expenses for members and employees.
15.66.140 Commodity commission—Powers and duties.
15.66.141 Commission's plans, programs, and projects—Director's approval required.
15.66.142 Commission speaks for state—Director's oversight.
15.66.143 Lists of all affected producers and handlers—Affected parties responsible for accuracy—Use of lists.
15.66.145 Members may belong to association with same objectives—Contracts with associations authorized.
15.66.150 Annual assessments—Rate—Collection.
15.66.153 Promotional hosting expenditures—Rules.
15.66.157 When commodity commission is terminated—Duties of affected commodity commission.
15.66.160 Annual assessments—Disposition of revenue.
15.66.170 Annual assessments—Payments—Civil action to enforce.
15.66.180 Expenditure of funds collected.
15.66.185 Investment of agricultural commodity commission funds in savings or time deposits of banks, trust companies, and mutual savings banks.
15.66.190 Official bonds required.
15.66.200 Petition for modification or exemption—Hearing—Appeal from ruling.
15.66.210 Unlawful acts—Penalties—Injunctions—Investigations.
15.66.220 Compliance with chapter a defense in any action.
15.66.230 Liability of commission, state, etc.
15.66.240 Marketing agreements.
15.66.245 Marketing agreement or order—Authority for participation in proceedings concerning regulation of pesticides or agricultural chemicals.
15.66.250 Price fixing and product limiting prohibited.
15.66.260 Costs of conducting nominations and elections—Reimbursement.
15.66.263 Costs of implementing RCW 15.66.141.
15.66.270 Exempt commissions—Marketing agreements and orders.
15.66.275 Applicability of chapter to state agencies or other governmental units.
15.66.280 Restrictive provisions of chapter 43.19 RCW not applicable to promotional printing and literature of commissions.
15.66.900 Short title.