RCW 15.28.070 Establishment of subdistricts—Rules and regulations.
The commission shall have the authority, subject to the provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW (Administrative Procedure Act), for adopting rules and regulations, after public hearing, establishing one or more subdistricts in any one of the three districts. Such subdistricts shall include a substantial portion of the soft tree fruit producing area in the district in which they are formed.
The commission shall, when a subdistrict has been formed within one of the districts as in this section provided for, assign one of the districts' producer positions on the commission to said subdistrict. Such producer position may only be filled by a producer residing in such subdistrict, whether by apportionment or appointment.
[ 2003 c 396 § 19; 1967 c 191 § 7; 1961 c 11 § 15.28.070. Prior: 1947 c 73 § 7; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 2909-16.]
Effective date—2003 c 396: See note following RCW 15.66.030.