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U.S. State Codes
Title 15 - Agriculture and ...
Chapter 15.26 - Tree Fruit Research Act.
Chapter 15.26 - Tree Fruit Research Act.
15.26.010 Short title.
15.26.020 Purpose.
15.26.030 Definitions.
15.26.040 Tree fruit research commission created—Membership.
15.26.050 Qualifications of members.
15.26.060 Appointment of members.
15.26.070 Terms of members.
15.26.080 Vacancies.
15.26.090 Quorum.
15.26.100 Compensation—Travel expenses.
15.26.110 Powers of commission.
15.26.120 Assessments levied—Referendum.
15.26.125 Assessment on cherries in excess of the fiscal growth factor under chapter 43.135 RCW—Washington tree fruit research commission.
15.26.130 List of producers.
15.26.140 Increase in assessments by referendum.
15.26.150 Additional assessments for special projects.
15.26.155 Additional assessment.
15.26.160 Suspension of assessments.
15.26.170 Payment of assessments required before purchase, receipt or shipment of fruit.
15.26.180 Records of persons receiving fruit.
15.26.190 Return of dealers, handlers, and processors—Filing—Contents.
15.26.200 Assessments—When due and payable—Collection.
15.26.210 Assessments—Constitute personal debt.
15.26.220 Assessments—Failure to pay—Collection.
15.26.230 Disposition of moneys collected—Treasurer's bond.
15.26.235 Collection, administration, and disbursal of funds for industry service programs.
15.26.240 Nonliability of state, members, employees.
15.26.250 Collection of assessments for commission by apple commission and state fruit commission.
15.26.260 Legal costs and expenses to be borne by commission.
15.26.265 Funding staff support—Rules.
15.26.270 Copies of commission's proceedings, records, acts as evidence.
15.26.280 Moneys collected retained by commission.
15.26.290 Contracts with public or private agencies to carry out chapter.
15.26.295 Certain records exempt from public disclosure—Exceptions—Actions not prohibited by chapter.
15.26.300 Violations—Penalty.
15.26.900 Chapter cumulative.