RCW 14.08.112 Revenue bonds authorized—Purpose—Special fund—Redemption.
(1) Municipalities, including any governmental subdivision which may be hereafter authorized by law to own, control, and operate an airport or other air navigation facility, are hereby authorized to issue revenue bonds to provide part or all of the funds required to accomplish the powers granted them by chapter 14.08 RCW, and to construct, acquire by purchase or condemnation, equip, add to, extend, enlarge, improve, replace and repair airports, facilities and structures thereon including but not being limited to facilities for the servicing of aircraft and for the comfort and accommodation of air travelers, and other properties incidental to the operation of airports and to pay all costs incidental thereto.
The legislative body of the municipality shall create a special fund for the sole purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the bonds of each issue, into which fund the legislative body shall obligate the municipality to pay an amount of the gross revenue derived from its ownership, control, use, and operation of the airport and all airport facilities and structures thereon and used and operated in connection therewith, including but not being limited to fees charged for all uses of the airport and facilities, rentals derived from leases of part or all of the airport, buildings and any or all air navigation facilities thereon, fees derived from concessions granted, and proceeds of sales of part or all of the airport and any or all buildings and structures thereon or equipment therefor, sufficient to pay the principal and interest as the same shall become due, and to maintain adequate reserves therefor if necessary. Revenue bonds and the interest thereon shall be payable only out of and shall be a valid claim of the owner thereof only as against the special fund and the revenue pledged to it, and shall not constitute a general indebtedness of the municipality.
Each revenue bond and any interest coupon attached thereto shall name the fund from which it is payable and state upon its face that it is only payable therefrom; however, all revenue bonds and any interest coupons issued under RCW 14.08.112 and 14.08.114 shall be negotiable instruments within the provisions and intent of the negotiable instruments law of this state. Each issue of revenue bonds may be bearer coupon bonds or may be registered either as to principal only or as to principal and interest as provided in RCW 39.46.030; shall be in the denomination or denominations the legislative body of the municipality shall deem proper; shall be payable at the time or times and at the place or places as shall be determined by the legislative body; shall bear interest at such rate or rates as authorized by the legislative body; shall be signed on behalf of the municipality by the chair of the county legislative authority, mayor of the city or town, president of the port commission, and similar officer of any other municipality, shall be attested by the county auditor, the clerk or comptroller of the city or town, the secretary of the port commission, and similar officer of any other municipality, one of which signatures may be a facsimile signature, and shall have the seal of the municipality impressed thereon; any interest coupons attached thereto shall be signed by the facsimile signatures of said officials. Revenue bonds shall be sold in the manner as the legislative body of the municipality shall deem best, either at public or private sale.
The municipality at the time of the issuance of revenue bonds may provide covenants as it may deem necessary to secure and guarantee the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon, including but not being limited to covenants to create a reserve fund or account and to authorize the payment or deposit of certain moneys therein for the purpose of securing or guaranteeing the payment of the principal and interest, to establish and maintain rates, charges, fees, rentals, and sales prices sufficient to pay the principal and interest and to maintain an adequate coverage over annual debt service, to appoint a trustee for the bond owners and a trustee for the safeguarding and disbursing of the proceeds of sale of the bonds and to fix the powers and duties of the trustee or trustees, and to make any and all other covenants as the legislative body may deem necessary to its best interest and that of its inhabitants to accomplish the most advantageous sale possible of the bonds. The legislative body may also provide that revenue bonds payable out of the same source or sources may later be issued on a parity with revenue bonds being issued and sold.
The legislative body of the municipality may include an amount for working capital and an amount necessary for interest during the period of construction of the airport or any facilities plus six months, in the principal amount of any revenue bond issue; if it deems it to the best interest of the municipality and its inhabitants, it may provide in any contract for the construction or acquisition of an airport or facilities that payment therefor shall be made only in revenue bonds at the par value thereof.
If the municipality or any of its officers shall fail to carry out any of its or their obligations, pledges or covenants made in the authorization, issuance and sale of bonds, the owner of any bond or the trustee may bring action against the municipality and/or said officers to compel the performance of any or all of the covenants.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such bonds may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.
[ 2010 c 8 § 5002; 1983 c 167 § 16; 1970 ex.s. c 56 § 3; 1969 ex.s. c 232 § 2; 1957 c 53 § 1.]
Liberal construction—Severability—1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Purpose—1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
Validation—Saving—Severability—1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.