§ 114E-7. Appointed officers; terms of office; duties
The Town Treasurer and his or her assistant, the Zoning Administrator, the Town Clerk and his or her assistant, the Collector of Current Taxes, and the Collector of Delinquent Taxes shall:
(1) Be employees of the Town and shall be appointed for one-year terms concurrent with the Town's fiscal year or for such lesser terms as necessary to match the remaining portion of the then-current fiscal year. They may be reappointed, although the Selectboard is under no obligation to do so, and if an incumbent who was selected pursuant to section 8 of this chapter is to be reappointed, the process in section 8 of this chapter need not be repeated.
(2) Fulfill the statutory requirements for their respective positions plus such other duties as the Selectboard may assign. They shall follow all adopted Town ordinances, policies, and procedures applicable to their respective positions.
(3) Be subject to the personnel policies of the Town and, during their appointed terms, may be terminated for cause by the Selectboard. The Selectboard shall determine compensation level and methodology. (Added 2017, No. M-12, § 2, eff. June 5, 2017.)