(1) The appropriations from a fund or account and appropriations to a program that are listed in Section 63J-1-602.1 or 63J-1-602.2 are nonlapsing.
(2) No appropriation from a fund or account or appropriation to a program may be treated as nonlapsing unless: (a) it is listed in Section 63J-1-602.1 or 63J-1-602.2; (b) it is designated in a condition of appropriation in the appropriations bill; or (c) nonlapsing authority is granted under Section 63J-1-603.
(a) it is listed in Section 63J-1-602.1 or 63J-1-602.2;
(b) it is designated in a condition of appropriation in the appropriations bill; or
(c) nonlapsing authority is granted under Section 63J-1-603.
(3) Each legislative appropriations subcommittee shall review the accounts and funds that have been granted nonlapsing authority under the provisions of this section or Section 63J-1-603.