(1) Review reports from the local child fatality review teams;
(2) Report to the governor and the general assembly concerning the state team's activities and its recommendations for changes to any law, rule, and policy that would promote the safety and well-being of children;
(3) Undertake annual statistical studies of the incidence and causes of child fatalities in this state. The studies shall include an analysis of community and public and private agency involvement with the decedents and their families prior to and subsequent to the deaths;
(4) Provide training and written materials to the local teams established by this part to assist them in carrying out their duties. Such written materials may include model protocols for the operation of local teams;
(5) Develop a protocol for the collection of data regarding child deaths;
(6) Upon request of a local team, provide technical assistance to such team, including the authorization of another medical or legal opinion on a particular death; and
(7) Periodically assess the operations of child fatality prevention efforts and make recommendations for changes as needed.