(a) There shall be a minimum of one (1) local team in each judicial district.
(b) Each local team shall include the following statutory members or their designees:
(1) A supervisor of social services in the department of children's services within the area served by the team;
(2) The regional health officer in the department of health in the area served by the team, who shall serve as interim chair pending the election by the local team;
(3) A medical examiner who provides services in the area served by the team;
(4) A prosecuting attorney appointed by the district attorney general;
(5) An employee of the local education agency, to be appointed by the director of schools; and
(6) The interim chair of the local team shall appoint the following members to the local team:
(A) A local law enforcement officer;
(B) A mental health professional;
(C) A pediatrician or family practice physician;
(D) An emergency medical service provider or firefighter; and
(E) A representative from a juvenile court.
(c) Each local child fatality team may include representatives of public and nonpublic agencies in the community that provide services to children and their families.
(d) The local team may include non-statutory members to assist them in carrying out their duties. Vacancies on a local team shall be filled by the original appointing authority.
(e) A local team shall elect a member to serve as chair.
(f) The chair of each local team shall schedule the time and place of the first meeting, and shall prepare the agenda. Thereafter, the team shall meet no less often than once per quarter and often enough to allow adequate review of the cases meeting the criteria for review.