(1) “Alarm system” means any mechanical, electrical or electronic system, or any combination of those systems, designed to:
(A) Record, view, monitor, protect against, avoid or reduce the probability of personal or property loss or injury resulting from fire, smoke, heat, burglary, theft, shoplifting, pilferage or other losses of that type;
(B) Monitor, detect or prevent intrusion; or
(C) Detect and summon aid for other emergencies;
(2) “Alarm systems contractor” means any person, firm, association or corporation that sells or attempts to sell, installs, services or monitors alarm systems, signal devices, fire alarms, burglar alarms, television cameras or still cameras used to detect fire, burglary, breaking or entering, intrusion, shoplifting, pilferage or theft;
(3) “Alarm verification” means an attempt by a monitoring company or its representative to contact a burglar alarm location or a burglar alarm user by telephone or other electronic means to determine whether a burglar alarm signal is valid in an attempt to avoid unnecessary police response before requesting law enforcement to be dispatched to the location. Alarm verification further means that at least a second call shall be made to a different number if the first attempt fails to reach an alarm user;
(4) “Board” means the state board for licensing alarm systems contractors created by § 62-32-306;
(5) “Burglar alarm system” means an alarm or monitoring system that has the primary function of detecting or responding to emergencies other than fire;
(6) “Business entity” means each location from which alarm systems are sold, installed or serviced;
(7) “Certification” means the authority granted by the board to do business as an alarm systems contractor;
(8) “Fire alarm system” means an alarm or monitoring system that is intended to respond to or detect fire, heat, smoke or other byproducts of combustion;
(A) “Good moral character” means an individual with high legal, moral and ethical values;
(i) The following shall be prima facie evidence that an individual does not have good moral character:
(a) Conviction by any local, state, federal or military court of any crime involving the illegal use, possession, sale, manufacture, distribution or transportation of a controlled substance, controlled substance analogue, drug or narcotic;
(b) Conviction of a crime involving felonious assault;
(c) Conviction of a crime involving unlawful breaking or entering, burglary, larceny or arson;
(d) Conviction as an habitual criminal; or
(e) An addiction to alcohol or a narcotic drug;
(ii) For purposes of subdivision (9)(B)(i), “conviction” means and includes the entry of a plea of guilty, plea of no contest or a verdict rendered in open court by a judge or jury;
(10) “Installation” means the installation, maintenance, service and repair of alarm systems;
(11) “Monitoring” means any off-site central monitoring station or location that receives electronic burglar alarm, closed circuit television or fire alarm signals from multiple locations and notifies or dispatches, or both, other persons to emergency burglaries, hold ups, thefts, vandalism, civil unrest, personal emergencies or fire alarm conditions; and
(12) “Qualifying agent” means any individual licensed by the board whose qualifications have been demonstrated to the board for overseeing and supervising alarm systems contractor operations of any classification or combination of classifications.