(a) The commissioner of education shall publish an annual report as of each November 1, which shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) The results of state-conducted compliance and performance audits of local school systems;
(2) Value-added assessment as organized by class, schools and local school systems;
(3) School performance indicators including performance on the Tennessee comprehensive assessment program (TCAP), dropout rates, numbers of waivers, local financial contribution to education, attendance rates, and other indicators adopted by the state board of education;
(4) School and district performance designations pursuant to § 49-1-602;
(5) [Deleted by 2019 amendment.]
(6) A comparison of expenditures by category and program for each school system with statewide averages;
(A) Overall student dropout rates organized by schools and local school systems; and
(B) Student dropout rates also organized by schools and local school systems, but subdivided by gender and race;
(A) Overall student suspension and expulsion rates organized by schools and local school systems; and
(B) Student suspension and expulsion rates also organized by schools and local school systems, but subdivided by gender and race;
(A) Overall high school graduation rates organized by high schools and local school systems; and
(B) High school graduation rates also organized by high school and local school system, presented by gender and subgroup, pursuant to applicable federal law. The high school graduation information shall be placed on the annual state, system and school level report cards posted on the Internet;
(10) Alternative school performance indicators as reported to the department by LEAs pursuant to § 49-6-3405;
(11) [Deleted by 2019 amendment.]
(12) A list of the advanced placement (AP) courses offered in each LEA and a list of the AP courses offered in each of the LEA's schools that serve grades in which AP courses could be taken. The number of students taking AP courses and the percentage of students scoring three (3) or above on AP exams shall be reported by LEA and by school;
(13) A list of the dual enrollment courses taken by students in each LEA and a list of the dual enrollment courses taken by students in each of the LEA's schools that serve grades in which dual enrollment courses could be taken. The number of students taking dual enrollment courses and the percentage of students successfully completing dual enrollment courses shall be reported by the LEA and by the school;
(14) ACT academic achievement data including the number and percentage of students with a twenty-one (21) composite score or higher and the number and percentage of students meeting the college readiness benchmark in English, mathematics, reading, and science for each LEA and high school with at least ten (10) students taking the exam. This data shall not contain private or individual student information. The ACT data shall be included on the department's website; provided, that it is received by the department from ACT; and
(15) SAT college-bound seniors district profile for each LEA with at least twenty-five (25) students taking the SAT. This data shall not contain private or individual student information. This data shall be included on the department's website; provided, that it is received by the department from the college board.
(16) [Deleted by 2019 amendment.]
(b) This report shall be distributed to:
(1) The governor;
(2) The members of the general assembly;
(3) The members of the state board of education;
(4) State and local news media;
(5) Local directors of schools;
(6) Local boards of education;
(7) Presidents of state and local education associations;
(8) Presidents of state and local school board associations;
(9) State and local parent-teacher organizations;
(10) County mayors;
(11) Mayors;
(12) Local chambers of commerce;
(13) Members of local legislative bodies; and
(14) Local public libraries.
(c) Before TCAP scores are released pursuant to subdivision (a)(3), or otherwise, they shall be disaggregated.