Subject to the rights of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources or its successors to lease and subject to the rights of the people of the State to gather oysters and other shellfish on any of the lands hereinafter described, there has been granted to the United States all of the marshlands, sand banks, shores, edges and lands uncovered by water at low tide which are included within the outside boundaries of the premises hereinafter described or which are contiguous and adjacent to such boundaries, to wit:
(1) All that plantation or tract of land containing a body of marshland, in all seven thousand five hundred and sixty-eight (7,568) acres, situate in and around Bull Bay, in the county of Charleston, embracing those islands known as White Banks, being the premises granted to Richard T. Morrison, September 1, 1860, by grants recorded in book Q No. 6, pages 218 and 219, in the office of the Secretary of State, plats of which tracts are also recorded in volume 57, page 429 and page 430, in the office of the Secretary of State;
(2) All those fifteen islands, together containing sixteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-two (16,992) acres, situate near Bull Bay in Charleston County, which islands as a group bound east on the Atlantic Ocean, to the west partly on Bull Bay, to the northward on creeks and marshes, names unknown, and to the southward on Raccoon Keys, being the islands granted to John Bowman, August 1, 1791, by grant recorded in grant book No. 5, page 205, in the office of the Secretary of State aforesaid, and subsequently conveyed to H. P. Jackson by deed recorded in book Y-20, page 216, in the R.M.C. office for Charleston County aforesaid, a plat of which islands is recorded in plat book 1, page 205, in the office of the Secretary of State aforesaid and also in plat book B, page 136, in the R.M.C. office aforesaid;
(3) All that tract of land, marsh and sandbank, known as the Casinas, containing three hundred and sixty (360) acres, more or less, near Cape Romain in Charleston County, being the tract granted to John Lee, William Lee and Charles E. Lee, August 3, 1840, by grant recorded in grant book O No. 6, page 485, in the office of the Secretary of State aforesaid, and subsequently conveyed to Henry P. Jackson, by deed recorded in book Y-20, page 214, in the R.M.C. office aforesaid, a plat of which tract is recorded in volume 42, page 68, in the office of the Secretary of State aforesaid and in book B, page 133, in the R.M.C. office aforesaid;
(4) All that tract of land known as Cape Romain and Bird Bank containing nine hundred and seventy (970) acres, situated in Charleston County, being the premises granted to John Lee, William Lee and Charles E. Lee, by grant recorded in grant book O No. 6, page 486, in the office of the Secretary of State aforesaid and subsequently conveyed to H. P. Jackson by deed recorded in book Y-20, page 215, in the R.M.C. office aforesaid, a plat of which is recorded in plat book B, page 131, in the R.M.C. office aforesaid;
(5) All that tract of land containing five thousand five hundred and sixty (5,560) acres on an island known as Big and Little Raccoon Keys, situate in Charleston County, which island bounds eastward on Cape Romain Inlet, southward on the Atlantic Ocean and westward on Bull Bay, being the island granted to John Vinyard, October 7, 1816, by grant recorded in volume 61, page 86, in the office of the Secretary of State aforesaid, and subsequently conveyed to H. P. Jackson by deed recorded in book Y-20, page 213, in the R.M.C. office aforesaid; and
(6) All that tract of land and marshland containing one thousand and forty (1,040) acres, more or less, situate in Christ Church Parish in Charleston County, bounded on the north and northeast by Palmetto Creek, to the north and northwest by lands late of the estate of Whitesides, C. B. Northrop, Hodge and Kelly, south and southwest by lands late of Moses Whitesides, Esq., south and southeast by a creek known as No Man's Friend Creek, being the tract granted to C. B. Northrop, July 2, 1855, by grant recorded in book Q No. 6, page 67, in the office of the Secretary of State and subsequently conveyed to H. P. Jackson by deed recorded in book Y-20, page 217, in the R.M.C. office aforesaid, a plat of which tract is recorded in State record volume 43, page 270, and also in book B, page 132, in the R.M.C. office aforesaid.
Jurisdiction; migratory bird refuge.- Subject to the rights of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources as provided above the United States shall have exclusive jurisdiction on the lands so granted for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the act of Congress approved February 18, 1929, known as the "Migratory Bird Conservation Act" and all acts hereafter amendatory thereof, and for the purpose of the preservation and conservation of all migratory birds which are or hereafter may be under the jurisdiction of the United States.
Service of process.- Nothing contained in said grant shall be construed to exclude or prevent any process, civil or criminal, issuing from the courts of this State from being served or executed within the limits of said grant.
Reverter when no longer used for game refuge.- The lands so granted shall revert to the State in the event the United States shall cease to use said lands for the purpose of a migratory bird refuge.
Consent to conveyance of part of such lands.- The consent of the State has also been given to the conveyance by the United States or its duly authorized agency, to I. W. Limbaker of tract "A," as shown on plat of the Intercoastal Waterway, Winyah Bay-Charleston, Canal Prism and Spoil Disposal Areas, prepared by the United States engineer office, Charleston, South Carolina, February 6, 1939, and on file in the United States engineer office aforesaid in file No. 42-4, said tract "A" having been a portion of the lands granted the United States as aforesaid, in exchange for the conveyance by I. W. Limbaker to the United States or its duly authorized department, or tract "B," as shown on said plat, the granting clause of said conveyance from I. W. Limbaker reading as follows:
"That the said deeded land shall revert to the State of South Carolina in the event the United States of America ceases to use the said lands for the purpose of a migratory bird refuge." And it is hereby specifically declared that said tract "A" shall not revert to the State on account of said conveyance, but having been conveyed to I. W. Limbaker as so authorized, shall be freed of the provision for reversion contained in the cession of said property to the United States.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 39-121; 1952 Code Section 39-121; 1942 Code Section 2042; 1932 Code Section 2042; 1930 (36) 1303; 1939 (41) 917; 1952 (47) 2890; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 36, eff July 1, 1994.
Effect of Amendment
The 1993 amendment substituted "Department of Natural Resources" for "Wildlife and Marine Resources Commission."