Section 735.425 - Filing by licensee after placement of surplus lines insurance.

OR Rev Stat § 735.425 (2019) (N/A)
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(a) A statement signed by the licensee regarding the insurance, which shall be kept confidential as provided in ORS 705.137, including the following:

(A) The name and address of the insured;

(B) The identity of the insurer or insurers;

(C) A description of the subject and location of the risk;

(D) The amount of premium charged for the insurance; and

(E) Such other pertinent information as the director may reasonably require.

(b) A statement on a standardized form furnished by the director, as to the diligent efforts by the producing insurance producer to place the coverage with admitted insurers and the results thereof. The statement shall be signed by the producing insurance producer and shall affirm that the insured was expressly advised prior to placement of the insurance that:

(A) The surplus lines insurer with whom the insurance was to be placed is not licensed in this state and is not subject to its supervision; and

(B) In the event of the insolvency of the surplus lines insurer, losses will not be paid by the state insurance guaranty fund.

(2) A surplus lines licensee placing nonadmitted insurance in this state for an exempt commercial purchaser satisfies the requirements of subsection (1)(b) of this section if the surplus lines licensee provides proof of compliance with ORS 735.410 (2).

(3) The director may direct that filings required under subsection (1) of this section be made to the Surplus Line Association of Oregon. The director may also require that such filings be made electronically but may exempt a licensee from the requirement for good cause shown.

(4) A nonresident surplus lines licensee who places a surplus lines policy on an Oregon home state risk shall satisfy the requirements in ORS 735.410 and the filing requirements in subsections (1) and (2) of this section.

(5) Facsimile signatures and electronic signatures subject to ORS 84.001 to 84.061 are acceptable and have the same force as original signatures. [1987 c.774 §122; 1993 c.182 §1; 2001 c.377 §§13,13a; 2003 c.364 §39; 2005 c.185 §12; 2011 c.660 §11]