(2) A public employer may establish by rule an optional procedure whereby an employee who wishes to disclose information described in ORS 659A.203 (1)(b) may disclose information first to the supervisor, or if the supervisor is involved, to the supervisor next higher, but the employer must protect the employee against retaliatory or disciplinary action by any supervisor for such disclosure. [Formerly 659.540]
Note: Sections 1 and 5, chapter 83, Oregon Laws 2018, provide:
Sec. 1. Pilot program for anonymous disclosures. The directors of each of the following state agencies shall consult and cooperate with each other to develop a pilot program within each respective agency to provide an optional procedure whereby an employee may anonymously disclose information under ORS 659A.203 (1)(b):
(1) The Oregon Health Authority;
(2) The Department of Transportation;
(3) The Department of Human Services; and
(4) The Department of Environmental Quality. [2018 c.83 §1]
Sec. 5. Section 1 of this 2018 Act is repealed on January 2, 2021. [2018 c.83 §5]